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Confessions of an Introverted Businesswoman Part II: Take Up Space

Have you ever sat in a meeting where you struggled to get a word in? You have a great idea in your mind, but the other voices dominate the room and drown you out? Continuing from the last post in the Confessions series, today I'm going to talk about how to take up space. This doesn't mean being loud or changing who you are. It means being present and having the confidence to insist on being heard. There is a difference.

Take a Seat at the Table

Let's talk about your physical stance. Where do you place yourself in a busy meeting room? Do you stand back and let others sit at the table? Do you position yourself on the periphery? If so, it isn't just a metaphor. You are physically restricting your ability to participate. Take a seat at the table, make your presence felt. In the increasingly virtual world we find ourselves in, the equivalent is using your webcam! Yes, every time.

Make a Point to Participate

I used to only speak up when I had something that I felt was worth saying. I still wish that everyone would do that, but that is not the world we live in. Sometimes speaking up isn't about having some groundbreaking idea. It's to show you are interested, engaged, and actively listening to what is going around you. And if nothing else, it reminds people that you are there and have value to add.

Speak Your Mind

Groupthink is a dangerous thing. It's a phenomenon that happens when people work together. In order to 'go with the flow', people avoid healthy debate and take the path of least resistance, which normally leads to a subpar result. That is why it is absolutely crucial for all people with varying backgrounds and styles (including introverts!) to share their ideas. Resist the temptation to keep your ideas to yourself for fear of judgement. You might have the best idea in the room that nobody will ever hear.

Have Confidence in Yourself

When you are an introvert, speaking up can sometimes feel painful. It can feel like interrupting. But extroverts don't think that way and not all extroverts have the awareness to proactively give introverts in the room a platform to share their thoughts. That's why it starts with you. You need to have the confidence to insist that your opinions are heard. Remember, you have a unique perspective that nobody else has.

What other tricks do you have to take up space? We'd love to hear from you in the comments. Help an introvert out!

Elizabethe Dickens

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