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A Fresh Take on Networking

The word "networking" holds a stigma as something involuntary, a necessary evil, forced and disingenuous. At the Rising Tide Collective, we want to change this. Even if you set aside the positive impact it can have on your business, this group might fulfil your basic human need for connection. But if you want to talk about the benefits that networking can have on your business, here is a list of our top three:

  1. It's who you know

Jobs are booked and deals won based on human relationships and connections. Especially as a business owner, the wider you expand your network, the more likely you are to get personal recommendations, word of mouth advertising, and organically grow brand awareness. One big reason for this is Exposure Bias. People are more likely to trust something or someone that they have heard of before. It is a natural human inclination, therefore making your name, face, and brand more familiar to people will always give you an advantage over an unknown entity.

  1. Synergy

We hate to say this 00's corporate buzzword, but there is a time and a place, and this is one of them. Only by meeting people outside of your tight-knit circle will you start to broaden the scope of possibilities for your business. There may be other business owners to learn from, partnerships that can be achieved, and service/product synergies that help both businesses grow! And the thing is, you would never think of these possibilities on your own. Diverse opinions breed innovation, and innovation is competitive advantage.

  1. Refine your pitch in a low-risk setting

One of the great things about networking that we rarely credit is that there is very high upside, and little downside. Few phenomena on this earth can boast the same. The worst case scenario is that you make a poor impression on someone you don't know and likely will never see again. If you are a business owner, you are your brand. There is an element of selling yourself and in order to get really good at this (in a non-cringe way), you have to practice. In a group as inviting and inclusive as Rising Tide Collective, there is no doubt that even if you flub your first impression, you'll get nothing but supportive and encouraging feedback for the next time.

We know networking is nobody's favourite thing, and for women, it can be doubly painful. We invite you to try and forget these nasty associations and think instead about human connection and how natural of a thing it is. Instead of approaching it with the mindset of "What's in it for me?" shift towards "How can I assist others?". This shift will transform networking from being a chore into an opportunity for authentic and meaningful exchanges.

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